Harry Bosch Wiki

Arthur Franklin (d. 26 May 1990) was a military police officer with the United States Army, and served in the Vietnam War until he was discharged in 1973. At that time, he stayed in Saigon as a civilian military adviser, and remained until the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. While in Viet Nam he became acquainted with Gene Delgado, John Rourke and Billy Meadows.

After returning to the United States, Franklin was involved in a series of robberies in San Francisco, and served five years in prison. In 1984, he was arrested for robbing a bank in Oakland, and was incarcerated at Terminal Island, after which he was paroled to Charlie Company in Ventura, California in 1988, while Meadows was also there. He participated in the break-in at WestLand National Bank, along with Rourke, Delgado and Meadows.

He and Gene Delgado attempted to breach the vault of Beverly Hills Safe & Lock on 26 May 1990, but were interrupted by Martin B. Avery III and detectives Pierce Lewis and Don Clarke. Franklin killed Lewis and shot Clarke before he was shot through the shoulder by detective Harry Bosch. He and Delgado then fled into an underground tunnel, but Franklin soon died from the loss of blood through his wound.

