The Mickey Haller series is an ongoing series of novels written by Michael Connelly that feature Los Angeles attorney Mickey Haller.
Though Haller has appeared in other novels written by Connelly, particularly those included in the Harry Bosch series, the official Haller Series currently includes eight books with another forthcoming:
The Mickey Haller series[]
- The Lincoln Lawyer (2005)
- The Brass Verdict (2008)
- The Reversal (2010)
- The Fifth Witness (2011)
- The Gods of Guilt (2013)
- The Crossing (2015)
- The Wrong Side of Goodbye (2016)
- Two Kinds of Truth (2017)
- The Law of Innocence (2020)
The series also exists within the Harry Bosch series by virtue of the fact that Haller and Bosch are half-brothers (both being sons of attorney J. Michael Haller). Haller has appeared in the Bosch novels 9 Dragons and The Night Fire. Additionally, reporter Jack McEvoy has appeared in both the Bosch novel A Darkness More Than Night and the Haller novel The Brass Verdict.